How can you make sure the diamonds and gold you sell are legitimate and legally sourced? The Rapaport Source Certification Framework and the Responsible Jewellery Council’s chain-of-custody certification offer real world solutions that will enhance your reputation. The Rapaport Fair Trade Jewelry Conference hosted an expert panel to address these important issues.
Panelists included:
David Bonaparte, the president and CEO of Jewelers of America (JA)
Eric Braunwart, the president of Columbia Gem House
Larry Drummond, the president of Metalor U.S.A. Refining Corporation
Benjamin Hackman, the president of the International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA)
Ngomesia Mayer-Kechom, the manager for International Programs at Diamond Development Initiative (DDI International)
Toby Pomeroy, a board member of Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM)
Michael Rae, the CEO of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC)
Martin Rapaport, the chairman of the Rapaport Group
Ronnie VanderLinden, the president of Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association (DMIA)