RJC Seeks Comment on its Code of Practices

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Press Release: The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) announced that it is revising its Code of Practices (COP), the standards against which all RJC Members must demonstrate independently verified conformance to achieve certification. The first of at least three scheduled public comment periods is open until September 10,  2012.

The COP is the cornerstone of RJC’s certification program and sets standards for responsible business practices for companies in the jewelry supply chain. These companies operate in a wide range of sectors – from mining through to retail – and across all geographies. They include small, medium and large businesses. Any business in the gold, diamond or platinum group metals jewelry supply chain is welcome to join the RJC and seek certification against the RJC COP.

The RJC undertook its first formal review of the COP earlier in 2012, three years after its publication. The objectives of the review are to update the COP, as well as its supporting documents and training. RJC has logged issues and comments received since the publication of the COP in 2009 and identified key topics that will be reviewed. A paper has now been published that outlines the proposed process, scope and timelines for the COP review and seeks input from all interested stakeholders.

About RJC
The Responsible Jewellery Council is an international not-for-profit organisation bringing together more than 370 member companies. RJC and its Members are committed to promoting responsible ethical, human rights, social and environmental practices in a transparent and accountable manner throughout the jewellery industry from mine to retail. This commitment aims to reinforce consumer and stakeholder confidence in diamond, gold and platinum metals jewellery products. The RJC has developed the RJC Member Certification system which applies to all Members’ businesses that contribute to the diamond, gold and platinum metals jewellery supply chain. All Certified Members of the RJC are audited by accredited, third party auditors to verify their conformance with the RJC’s Code of Practices. A voluntary Chain-of-Custody Standard has also been developed for gold and platinum group metals. The RJC is a Full Member of the ISEAL Alliance – the global association for sustainability standards. For more information on RJC Members, Certification, and Standards please visit www.responsiblejewellery.com