UN Human Rights Commissioner to Visit Marange Fields

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RAPAPORT… United Nations’ human rights commissioner Navanethem Pillay will conduct a field visit to ‎the Marange diamond fields during her upcoming visit to Zimbabwe. ‎

During her Zimbabwe visit, which will begin on May 20, Pillay will meet President Robert ‎Mugabe, prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the ministers of foreign affairs, justice and ‎legal affairs, as well as the chief justice, the speaker of Parliament, the president of ‎senate and the thematic committee of human rights, Times Live reported. She will also ‎meet with the Zimbabwe human rights commission and members of civil society.

In October 2011, Zimbabwe came under scrutiny at the UN Human Rights Council’s ‎periodic review in Geneva when it presented a report on the country’s human rights ‎situation. Zimbabwe was further chastised regarding its human rights record during the ‎UN periodic review in March.

Pillay’s visit is expected to draw attention to the Marange diamond fields where human ‎rights abuses have allegedly been committed despite government denials. Zimbabwe has ‎a history of human rights abuses from the Gukurahundi massacres in the 1980s and well up to the ‎‎2008 election-related killings among other well documented violence.‎