RJC Launches Chain of Custody Certification for Gold, Platinum

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RAPAPORT… The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) reported that it has launched its chain of ‎custody certification for gold and platinum group metals. Meanwhile, stakeholder consultation continues in ‎‎2012 on further development of the standards that would apply to the diamond supply ‎chain, the group said. ‎

Starting in March 2012, RJC’s chain of custody certification for metals will be available to RJC ‎members who wish to provide their customers and stakeholders with independent ‎assurance about conflict-free, responsible sourcing for gold and platinum group metals, ‎RJC stated.‎

RJC explained that the chain of custody certification was designed to support responsible mining ‎practices; source legitimate recycled materials; identify the provenance of jewelry ‎materials; avoid conflict resources implicated in human rights abuses, illegal or criminal ‎practices; enhance reputation through responsible sourcing; carry out due diligence of the ‎supply chain; respond to the requests of wholesale and retail customers; and support the ‎implementation of the U.S. Dodd-Frank Conflict Minerals legislation and OECD Due Diligence ‎Guidance for Minerals from Conflict-Affected Areas.  ‎

In December, RJC suspended finalizing its draft chain of custody guides for diamonds in ‎order to seek additional input from the diamond industry.‎

RJC released its 2012 Annual Progress Report on Monday in which it stated that its ‎membership grew 34 percent in 2011 with 342 companies signed up at the end of the ‎year. The number of RJC certifications jumped from five at the beginning of the year to ‎‎120 by year-end as the first deadline for existing members approached. Certified ‎members are those that have been independently audited against the RJC code of ‎practices. ‎