RAPAPORT… A standards committee for the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) suspended finalizing its draft chain of custody guides for diamonds in order to seek additional input from the diamond industry. The move does not, however, impact the upcoming completion and implementation of the chain of custody standards for gold and platinum group metals, which are expected in early 2012.
The RJC explained that some diamond industry members raised concerns about the draft, following erroneous information being spread through the rumor mill about potential impediments to establishing the standards, and the RJC has already formed a subcommittee to resolve those member issues.
The RJC expects the first certifications against new gold and platinum group metals chain of custody standards by the second quarter of 2012. It is anticipated that those standards will assist members to meet supply chain requirements established by the U.S. Dodd‐Frank conflict minerals legislation.
RJC initiated the chain of custody certification process in order to strengthen the integrity of the jewelry supply pipeline.