Rosy Blue Publishes its First Corp. Responsibilty Report

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Press Release, MUMBAI: The Rosy Blue Group today announced its first corporate social responsibility (CSR) report, which is available online at The report summarizes the group’s CSR activities in 2008, and highlights how the Rosy Blue Group has managed its social, environmental and community impacts, as well as its committed strategy moving forward. Since 2005, the group has adhered to the best practice principles of De Beers and become an active founding member of the Responsible Jewelry Council (RJC).

In June 2008, the Rosy Blue Group signed the UN Global Compact, signifying our commitment to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. Business participants are required to submit a progress report annually on the UN Global Compact website and to share the report widely with their stakeholders. This first report also benchmarks Rosy Blue Group’s  accomplishments and activities against the 10 guiding principles of the Global Compact. This report has been submitted to the Global Compact and accepted on April 30, 2009.

Highlights of the report describe:

Rosy Blue’s internal CSR model: Strengthening the compliance system

Long-term CSR strategy and key performance indicators

Rosy Blue’s commitment to responsible business practices:

— Kimberley Process and System of Warranties
— UN Global Compact
— De Beers’ Best Practice Principles
— Rio Tinto’s Business Excellence Model
— Wal-Mart
— Responsible Jewellery Council
— Rosy Blue internal CSR model

Results internal and external audits
Cases of CSR in action
Challenges Ahead

“As a family corporation, our commitment to living our values has always underpinned the way we approach our business, manage our operations and decisions. Now we have started the implementation of a formal framework to enhance this commitment. CSR is not an add-on; it is about integrating actions in our business strategy and delivering sustainable value for all of our stakeholders. The data presented in this report will serve as a baseline for future reports. Since this is the first CSR report, we clearly want to state this is the initial stage of our CSR Implementation Efforts. We live in an ever changing world and therefore we have to adopt ourselves and we will continue to fine tune our compliance system in the future.”

Group Associates: Arun Mehta, Harshad Mehta, Baron Dilip Mehta, Amit Bhansali, Russell Mehta

About Rosy Blue:
Rosy Blue Group – Diamond Trading Company Sightholders, Rio Tinto Diamonds Select Diamantaire and client of BHP Billiton Diamonds – is a leading global diamond group, with an annual turnover of $1.8 billion. Established in 1960, Rosy Blue has presence in 15 countries and employs over 10,000 employees. The group’s global activities include trading of rough diamonds, manufacturing and distribution of polished diamonds and jewelry, and providing strategic alliances for its branding partners.

Member of the UN Global Compact

Member of Responsible Jewellery Council

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