RAPAPORT… CPX Interactive chose the Diamond Empowerment Fund (D.E.F.) as a beneficiary of its CPXample program, which ran from June 24 through July 22, 2008.
D.E.F., which was established by Russell Simmons to raise money for education programs in diamond producing African nations, and the CPX campaign resulted in 50,003,072 impressions. CPX generated 49,299 clicks to the D.E.F. website and prior to the campaign the website averaged only 60 visits per day.
D.E.F. encourages jewelers and consumers to think about where their jewelry comes from and who benefits from its creation. The public service announcement ran first on Rapaport News June 18.
“Coming off our successful partnership with Russell Simmons and the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network on our Vote For It! ’08 initiative, we were eager to further increase the synergies between our distribution strength and the myriad of good things that Russell is attached to,” said Mike Seiman, CPX CEO.
“D.E.F. is all about awareness, and that’s something we can really drive…and we are happy to do it for causes with their hearts in the right place.”