CIBJO Urges Members to Avoid Gemstones from Myanmar

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RAPAPORT… In a strongly worded statement on October 21, 2007, the President Council of CIBJO, the World Jewelry Confederation, has condemned the repression of human rights in Myanmar (also known as Burma) and called upon members of CIBJO to refrain from buying gemstones from the  Myanmar government.

CIBJO’s President’s Council made it clear that the current regime’s repression of human rights and democracy in Myanmar is incompatible with the CIBJO Code of Ethics, and advised members to seek assurances from all existing suppliers that no Burmese sourced gemstones are in their respective supply chains. The statement further asked that members refrain from purchasing any gemstones in the future from the nation until the United Nations indicates that the country is attempting democratic reform.

The statement, expressed CIBJO’s full support for both the October 2, 2007 UN Human Rights Council Resolution S-5/1: “Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar” as well as the subsequent statement from the UN Security Council on October 11, 2007.