(Rapaport…December 26, 2002) Jewelers of America (JA) has published its guide to the Kimberley Process, summarizing the campaign to eliminate conflict diamonds, explaining the complementary “system of warranties” the industry is imposing on itself and offering two form letters that retailers can use: one for their suppliers and one for their customers.
The material is available to members of the trade on JA’s website, www.jewelers.org. A letter to JA members explains each retailer’s obligations under the Kimberley Process and the system of warranties. A letter that storeowners may send to their suppliers declares the retailer’s support for the new rules and asks for the same from each supplier. A fact sheet that can be given to customers explains the conflict diamond issue and the Kimberley Process in terms understandable to those not already familiar with them. A list of talking points highlights some of the facts from the other documents and includes possible responses to “challenging questions from media and activist groups skeptical about the Kimberley Process.”