The following is a statement released by Jewelers of America (JA) pertaining to the House passage of the Clean Diamond Trade Act:
Matthew Runci, President and CEO of Jewelers of America and Executive
Director of the World Diamond Council, today hailed the U.S. House of Representatives for passing HR 2722, the Clean Diamond Trade Act, and called on the U.S. Senate to follow suit.
“On behalf of Jewelers of America and the World Diamond Council, I applaud the House of Representatives for passing HR 2722, the Clean Diamonds Trade Act, and urge the Senate to follow quickly,” Runci said. “The purpose of this legislation, for which we have worked for many months, is to stamp out the insidious trade in conflict diamonds, which has brought mayhem and violence to some parts of Africa.
“This legislation gives impetus to the Kimberley Process – an international effort to track diamonds from their point of origin to ensure that only clean stones find their way to retailers around the world. The diamond and jewelry industries have been backing and participating in this effort from the beginning. We are very pleased that it is close to finishing its work at
the same time that this bill appears so close to enactment.
“The diamond and jewelry industries have been in the forefront of those who have fought for this legislation,” he said. “Our goal is to keep conflict diamonds out of the United States, which is the world’s largest diamond market. By taking this essential step, we will be on the way toward drying up the profits of those who traffic in conflict diamonds and of ensuring jewelry purchasers throughout the United States that the stones they are purchasing truly are symbols of love and beauty.”